Öko-Flow | Culottes Menstruelles & Tailles Fortes - Avis de Dani Jansen

Öko-Flow | Period Underwear Suitable for Plus Sizes - Review by Dani Jansen

I Tested the Öko-Flow Menstrual Panties 3XL for You

I received these items at no cost to facilitate my review. All opinions remain my own. - Dani Jansen

If you’re fat (a word I use as a descriptor, not a pejorative), then you know how hard it is to find clothing that fits. (Why has no one fixed the gap at the back of jeans yet?) You also know that most of your options can only be purchased online, so return policies become very important. Understandably, the return policies on underwear are pretty strict, so those purchases are even more fraught. I usually stick to what I know fits, so splashing money out on something untested and pricier than regular underwear is not something I’m keen to do. However, I like the idea of period underwear, especially as a “back up” for my heavier days. My hope is that this review can help you know whether the Öko-Flow will be a good fit (pun intended) for you.


Plus-sized folks know that absorbency, style, price and durability are not even factors to be considered if fit is off. So let’s start with what’s most important: do the undies fit? Yes. I would say they are true to size and conform to their size chart. I took the 3X and the underwear was a true midrise with full bum coverage and no digging in. I’m not usually a fan of elastic waists, but this one was comfortable. I’d wear these off my period, which is the best endorsement for the fit that I can give!


The Öko undies have a built-in liner that extends far enough in the back to be helpful overnight. The liner is breathable, and made of organic cotton. The material is comfortable and quite absorbent, though I didn’t use it alone since I prefer to be able to change out the bit that has blood on it. These period undies are different from others on the market because they have elastics built into the gusset where you can place inserts, which you can swap out like reusable pads. The inserts are VERY absorbent – I was able to use one overnight on the day of my heaviest flow.
While the insert fit comfortably in the underwear and felt comfortable for everyday activities, it did flip over on itself when I had to go to the bathroom. I suspect this is because the elastic at the back of the gusset is longer in a plus-sized pair of undies so it doesn’t maintain as much tension. I solved this problem by using my own reusable pads with the undies during the day, saving the inserts for overnight when I wouldn’t visit the bathroom (too often).


The underwear is very comfortable, though I personally prefer a high-rise style. The elastics in the gusset, as well as the built-in liner, were imperceptible except when I was doing a heavy workout, but that is usually the case for me. I was honestly surprised that the elastics didn’t bother me – I can be a bit of a Princess and the Pea when it comes to seams in my clothing. I found that I could even use the elastics to make sure my reusable pads stayed in place.

Pricing and Other Practical Matters

These undies are competitively priced and have held up beautifully to wearing and washing so far. To be fully transparent, I have only used them for one cycle, but Maman Loup has had hers for longer and they’re still holding up. I don’t have patience or time to wash my reusable products in any special way. These get thrown in with my towels and I’ve had zero problem, though I’m also not bothered by stains.

All in all, I’m very pleased with Öko’s period underwear.

It is rare to see small companies making the effort to include plus-sized customers and I appreciate that inclusivity is part of their ethical practices, along with paying their employees a living wage and producing greener products. I hope they can expand their size range since people who live in larger bodies than mine are even more excluded from the ethical clothing market.


  • Comfortable
  • Absorbent
  • Easy to clean


  • Only one style available
  • Inserts don’t fit snuggly in the plus-sized undies




Dani Jansen
Author and reusable-products enthusiast



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